You can work more effectively with our web-based grade book. All you need to use
GradeBookWizard.com is a Mac or PC with
Internet access - either through dial-up or LAN/DSL/Cable. There is no software
to install on your computer. This freedom of access gives you the flexibility
to take care of administrative tasks, such as entering grades, whenever you have
some spare time - whether you are at home, in the office, or in your classroom.

Grading is a breeze using our unique tabular format, just like that of a paper-based
grade book. When grading homework, you can grade several homework tasks at once.
For assignments and tests, you have complete control over scoring,
the grade scale used, and how much each assignment or test influences student grades.
You also have full support for using rubrics to help score student
work. You can even share grade scales and rubrics with colleagues
at the same school.
You can choose to make homework and assignment grades available for review by
students and their parents on the class website. Our secure login
for both students and parents makes sure that they can only see their own grades.
If you need help doing your grading, you designate a Room Parent
to assist you. He or she will then have access to a special section of the class
website where they can grade assignments and homework that you

You have complete control over which assignments and homework tasks room parents
can see and grade. You can also choose to hide student names and only show student
IDs instead.
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Program Features: |
- Entirely web-based
- No software to install
- Use on any PC or Mac with Internet access
- Secure login for all users
Grading Features: |
- Tabular-format grading; just like paper-based grade book
- Grade several homework tasks at the same time
- You have complete control over all aspects of grading
- Full support for rubrics
- Share grade scales and rubrics with other teachers
- Publish individual grades to class website for review by students and parents
Room Parent Features: |
- Edit student information
- Grade student homework
- Grade assignments