Welcome to GradeBookWizard! This page will help you set up a user account for teachers. If you are not a teacher you do not need to set up an account on this page. If you are a student or parent and have been given a login name and password, click here to login. If you are a parent and have several students enrolled, you can register them all under one login that you create. Click on the Go to Parent Registration link at the bottom of this page to set up your account.

If you are a teacher, please proceed with this wizard to set up your new account. You can use this account for free for 30 days. Your trial account has most of the functionality of a regular account. You can upgrade to a regular, paid account at any time during your trial period.

Please begin the registration process by filling in the fields below. All required fields are indicated by red asterisks (*). If you have received a School Code, please make sure to enter it below and then click on the Verify button to set your school information.

Account Information: Show Help
First Name*/Initial:
Last Name:*
School Information:
School Code:
what's this?
School Name:*
Login Information:
Login Name:*
(6-32 characters)
(6-20 characters)
Repeat Password:*
Go to Parent Registration