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Troy Intermediate School
GradeBookWizard Login Page
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Logins: 505380
(since 8/24/2006)
Teacher Web Pages:
Mr. Arebaugh
Ms. Bain
Ms. Banjoff
Mrs. Bockelman
Mrs. Brown
Mrs. Burkhardt
Mrs. Carlin
Mr. Citro
Ms. Dalgleish
Mrs. Demko
Ms. Esterburg
Mr. Foldesy
Mrs. Geraci
Mr. Giomini
Mrs. Hanna
Mr. Hartwell
Ms. Hermensky
Ms. Jaeckin
Mrs. Jones
Mrs. Judson
Ms. Judson
Mrs. Juergens
Mrs. Kearns
Ms. Koziarz
Mr. Lowe
Mrs. McLaughlin
Mrs. Mitchell
Mrs. Moore
Mrs. Plow
Mrs. Spagnola
Mr. Walsh
Please enter your login name and password in the fields to the left. Students and parents: this information is provided to you by your teacher.
News and Announcements
Welcome to Troy Intermediate School
In order to access GradeBookWizard, please enter your login name and password in the fields to the left of this message.
Bullying Hot Line

Anonymous Bullying Hotline

Unfortunately in school settings, bullying may occur. Although our Principals and Staff have things in place that encourages students to come to them with situations, there still may be times when a student or family is uncomfortable approaching someone to discuss the matter.

If there is a time that you or your child feels they are being bullied and you are not comfortable contacting your child's school, I want to make you aware that Avon Lake City Schools does have an Anonymous Bullying Hotline in place. A student or parent may call: 440 930-8345 and leave an anonymous message. The calls will go to Central Office and then will be directed to the administrators of the appropriate buildings.

Please know that the staff and myself are here to support you and your child. Feel free to contact me with any questions.


Robert Scott

Title I
1.  Troy Intermediate School receives funds from the Federal government Title I program to partially fund our academic intervention program.  A requirement for using Title I funds is to notify parents of their right to request information about the instructors' teaching qualifications.  Please contact the school office at 440-933-2701 at any time if you wish to see the qualifications of your child's teacher.

2.  Parent involvement information may be found at Ohio PIRC, http://www.uwgc.org/ - Ohio Parent Information and Resource Center.
Student Accident Insurance
We recommend accident and sickness insurance for all students: Student Accident Insurance 2012-13 Application.pdf
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